Mac (Shell Cream Colour base and Select Moisturecover Concealer

I hit the Mac counter again mostly to get one thing I need and one thing that I dont need...but ok I admit I wanted to try it!! The first thing I purchased is Mac Cream Colour Base in Shell!And so far I'm loving it!

This product as Mac claims is a multipurpose one,but I dont think that I could use it on my oily lid as a base,it seems to me that definitely is going to crease!But on the other hand this Frost colour base though its not looking so promising in the pan ,when you put a small amount and blend it,it catches light beautifully on cheekbones!!

I also love that the fact that it almost gives a natural glow,not the too shimmery white one!

And moving on I really needed a new consealer..and after search I purchased Mac Select moistureconer concealer in NC20.

And I was between the lighter one or the natural one?Talking about the shade..and decided to go more natural since soon I'll have a tan and the too light one is going to look super unnatural on me!

The doe foot applicator makes things easy.It feels moisturizing on my under eye area and its quite creamy!But as far as the cover..this one has a light cover though at store it looked like its going to do the job and hide my black under eye circles.Being pale this time of year means more visible ones...
It doesnt look in any way cakey though and sure it doesnt stay put on fine lines.

So I guess I'm more of a 50-50 ,I love it but at the same time I hate it!But I'm sure I'll find my way on using it!

And take a look on how gorgeous Shell looks and photographs!!

Wearing both Mac Shell cream colour base and Select consealer,obviously not many layers of this!!

Have you tried any of those Mac products?What do you think?And how do you make Select consealer work for you?


  1. panemorfo xrwma afto to shell!!! sou paei polu!

  2. Καλά, έπαθα πλάκα με τη Shell CCB, γι'αυτό βλέπω παντού rave reviews! Πολύ φυσικό το αποτέλεσμα στη φωτό, αχ τώρα θέλω κι εγώ!!!

    Όσο για το concealer, πάλι καλά που δεν "κάθεται" σε λεπτές γραμμές κάτω από τα μάτια! Έχω ένα θεματάκι με το concealer του Κορρέ που χρησιμοποιώ- τη μια μου αρέσει, την άλλη δεν απλώνεται καθόλου ομοιόμορφα και μου τη δίνει στα νεύρα... Ίσως το συγκεκριμένο της Mac είναι για μένα!

  3. I purchased Shell about a month ago and I totally love it!! You're totally right, it looks much more natural than some other highlighters that are almost a shimmery white color.

  4. Καλώς ήρθες στο fan club του Shell!!! χεχεχε
    Είναι το μόνο κρεμμώδες highlighter που χρησιμοποιώ! Δίνει πολύ όμορφη λάμψη ε;! Και ταιριάζει πολύ και με τα χρώματά σου! =)
    Καλή εβδομάδα!!!

  5. I've been thinking about buying the Moisturecover concealer. Either that or Select Cover-Up I'm finding my Mac Studio finish a bit cakey lately. x

  6. I haven't tried Shell but I really want to! I have so many good highlighters but I think I 'need' this one too hehe.

    I have and use the select moisturecover concealer I really like it but I need to use something over it to lock it in, because it seems to crease with me under my eyes.

  7. Shell is so pretty!

    I've tried the concealer, didn't like it, it creased badly under my eyes.

  8. Wow shell really is a great highlight! look at those cheekbones missy! Gorgeous!

  9. Love the MAC Shell! Such a gorgeous glow!! Reminds me of a subtle version of a Mineralized Skin Finish like Soft and Gentle or Shimpagne!

    By the way my email address is,
    Please feel free to contact me I said I'd love to send u some products from "over here"... Have a great week!

  10. Egw exo tin pearl kai tin hush kai protimw tin Hush ine telia, tin vazw k sta xeilh!

  11. Shell is soooooo pretty!
    Such a beautiful glow!

  12. Shell looks gorgeous on you! I've heard so many great things about it - I might have to get it sometime :)

  13. Ooooo you got some great stuff here! Your FOTD is gorgeous, as usual!!!!

  14. I've wanted this for a while now too, I think you're pictures have just sealed it for me, you are gorgeous! xx

  15. oh my! it's the first time i see this cream colour base and it is so niceee!
    could you tell me how much it costs?

  16. Loving this post! Shell looks gorgeous on you! xx

  17. I own Pearl and it is so pretty. I just found your blog and love it by the way!

  18. Shell looks gorgeous on you!

  19. You look gorgeous as always!!

  20. Ήθελα κι εγώ να δοκιμάσω το mac concealer αλλά μάλλον θα το αφήσω αφού λες ότι δεν καλύπτει πολύ. Το άλλο προϊόν δεν το έχω ακούσει όμως φαίνεται πολύ ωραίο πάνω σου!! Πολλά φιλιά!!

  21. Shell looks great on you, and I really like your lipstick as well :) <3


  22. Me gusta tu blog!! Los productos MAC son fantásticos...Te sigo desde España...Pásate a visitar mi blog de moda y si te gusta sería un gusto para mí que me sigas. Besos Marcela.

  23. I have Pearl CCB but Shell looks gorgeous!! I may have to grab it one of these days. Thanks for the swatches and FOTD looks.

  24. That is a very pretty powder! Love that on you... but then when don't you look gorgeous??? x jeanie

  25. i love the color base its so nice! and love your pics you look really pretty love the curls :) i like your blog new follower :) hope you can follow back

  26. The shell colour base looks lovely on - it reminds me of the Ice Gold Dewy Glow by Jemma Kidd which I recently did a post on.

  27. Looking lovely ma cherie! :)))

    Shell looks lovely on you!
    And that concealer purchase is a great one, Select Moisturecover blends very well and doesnt cake at all (however I do think that Select Cover Up offers slightly better coverage - give it a try next time and let me know)!!!


  28. i love shell as well, one of my favorite highlighters for sure!

  29. select moisturcover is my favorite concealor ever! its just the right consistancy and i love the way it reflects light making your skin look flawless :)

  30. beautiful you.... Mac Cream Colour Base is lokking so good on your cheek bones...


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