Summer 2012 Goals..

Am I the only person that I remember exercising hard only as a child?After being a mum of three I never really had quality time for myself or worried to much about that.But these days are past!
I blame my computer,hanging around with friends and have a bite on whatever was in the fridge,sitting to much,drinking coke(damn..).That made me on one hand with a couple extra pounds and on the other hand I have spring to remind me that summer is nearly here!!
So over the past two weeks I started in "slow motions" to force myself in changing habits.
First of all started eating healthy.No I don't put myself into a "diet mode".After all whenever I did this it was a failure..But instead I cut from my life coke,bread,sweets(with no reason).Eating more salads and fruits during the day.
pictures via Without Struggle there's no progress
And finally I started working out.Not the hard all day gym working out,but 3,5 klm walking everyday.Even hubby is very supporting asking "when is the time for your walking?" I do squads,weights when I have the time during the day and already feeling healthier.
Most of all drinking lots and lots of water...
So in three months time hoping for the best,struggling myself to do more,and getting my inspiration from pictures..
pictures via Without struggle there's no progress

Tell me about your summer goals?Any motivation "hug" is more than welcome!


  1. Καλημερα!

    Συγχαρητηρια που εκανες την αρχη!
    Προσπαθω κ εγω να τρωω πιο υγιεινα.
    Γυμναστικη κανω σπιτι,πιλατες κ γιογκα κ εχω δει διαφορα..
    Εχει μερικα πολυ καλα βιντεο στο youtube,μπορω να σου στειλω λινκς αν θες :)

    To σημαντικοτερο νομιζω,ειναι να αντιληφθουμε οτι πρεπει να αλλαξουμε τροπο ζωης κ οχι απλα να αδυνατισουμε κλπ

    P.S Εχουμε τα ιδια βαρακια :P


    1. ααα thanks!!!
      Αισθανομαι ηδη πολυ καλυτερα και εχω υπομονη για τα αποτελεσματα!


  2. Μπράβο σου Ειρήνη! Καλή συνέχεια!!! =)

  3. Nice post dear!
    I am sure, you will make it!:)
    I decided to eat healthy long time ago, but I can't force myself eat healthy breakfast - I always have coffee with biscuits! That's driving crazy my boyfriend, who is always repeating: breakfast is the most important! So I think my goal would be to start eat healthy breakfast:)

    Good luck for you!

  4. Good luck but I think you look perfect already.
    As for those model's stomachs.. it makes me want to cry and eat chocolate! LOL I already gave up on my 'be fit' challange. I told my gym I do not want another year membership lol.. exercise is HARD!!!!

    1. it works reverse too!!hahaha thanks sweety you are so kind!!


  5. Good for you!!! I've been on the "running/cardio" kick for like 2 months now. I went from 5k to 10k in about a month and a half. My goal is to be able to do a half marathon by the beginning of next year. I lack the drinking lots of water part, which im trying really hard to do. They say the secret to losing the weight is drinking lots and lots of water. All I can say is keep it up, and remember..the hardest part is getting your shoes on and getting out there. Its easy to fall off routine, but once you're on routine, you'll feel guilty for skipping a day :)

    1. aww yes I 'm in the mood not to skip a day right now,and I know that it's easy for me to fall off routine!Thanks for the motivation honey!!


  6. Good for you! I need to get motivated now too...

  7. Good Luck with it, you don't look like you need to drop any weight. I'm feeling very sluggish at the minute too and I'm desperate for that 'Summer Body' xx

  8. Hah...I haven't been active recently and i'm still in school. I get lots of walking though and I do hard labor type gardening now and then. Really want to take up muay thai boxing or go cycling regularly during the summer. Definitely eating well is always on my list of things to keep on doing. Would love to lose some flab and get more toned around the mid drift! Keep us posted! :)

  9. You're doing great! Good on you hun. :^)

  10. Oh I hope your little project goes well! Personally, I've given up both fitness and healthy meals. Boyf says I need to gain 2-3 kgs so I'm trying my best!

  11. Good luck! I need to get into a healthy frame of mind, I find it so difficult to get motivated!
    My main thing is that I need to start taking lunch to work instead of buying junk in town.
    I'm also starting to walk home from work which is 1.5 miles x

  12. 3 cheers for getting in shape! While I think u look fabulous I know what it's like to want to shape up before summer! I know my major motivation - the beach in Greece this summer!!! :)))

    1. Awww can't wait to see you again honey!!Yeaahh beach in Greece!Huge motivation here;)


  13. αχ να ξερες ποσο σε νιωθω!! ειμαι σε παρομοια φαση καλα φοβερες εικονες αυτες με τις κορμαρες..

    προσπαθω πολυ να χασω καποια κιλα που με ταλαιπωρουν κ κανω τα παντα τρεξιμο βαρακια χορο ατελειωτες ωρες ,zumba κ εχω βαλει στοχο το καλοκαιρι..αντε να δουμε

    καλη τυχη ευχομαι να τα καταφερεις!


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